So … I Was Sitting Around Thinking About Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Electric Cars

By Amy Barzdukas

Yes, that’s what I do when I’m not strategizing marketing activities, talking with customers, or in off hours, cooking, working out on my Peloton, or playing with my dogs. I think about V2G and EVs!

I decided to ask an AI (ChatGPT) to tell me about V2G technology and received a reasonably comprehensive response (see below). But there’s one thing missing …

“Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology allows electric vehicles (EVs) to provide energy back to the grid through a process called bi-directional charging. This can have a number of benefits, both for the individual owner of the EV and for the overall electricity grid.

One benefit of V2G technology for individual EV owners is the ability to earn money by selling excess energy stored in their vehicle’s battery back to the grid. This can help offset the cost of owning an EV and make it a more financially attractive option.

For the electricity grid, V2G technology can help balance supply and demand by providing a source of flexible, distributed energy storage. This can help reduce the need for expensive, centralized energy storage solutions and improve the overall stability and reliability of the grid.

V2G technology can also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by enabling the use of renewable energy sources. When excess renewable energy is generated (such as during times of high solar or wind generation), it can be stored in the batteries of EVs and then returned to the grid when needed, rather than being wasted. This can help to displace fossil fuels and reduce our reliance on them.

Overall, V2G technology has the potential to help integrate EVs into the electricity grid in a way that benefits both individual users and the grid as a whole.”

The piece that’s missing is how wireless charging makes V2G better. You don’t have to physically plug in the car to make bidirectional charging possible. You just park.

For V2G to be dependable, the vehicles need to be connected to the charger. Just as wireless charging will simplify connection of vehicles to the grid for charging purposes, it also simplifies connection to the grid for V2G purposes – nobody has to remember to plug in. While a driver with a fully charged battery would have little motivation to connect his or her car to the grid with a cumbersome charging cable, wireless charging will make that well-charged battery available to the grid for V2G purposes. Everytime.

Now I can go back to my Peloton workout.


Enjoy other stories (and video) about V2G:

Wireless Charging Improves the V2G Experience

Will V2G Go Mainstream?